Sea Horse Conservation

Minecraft Rendition of a Sea Horse


Photo Taken at the Big Island in Hawaii

Endangered species are animals, plants, or any organism that is on the verge of extinction. From spiders to birds to even bugs, these endangered species are testaments of billions of years of evolutionary history and natural beauty. Many have been driven to extinction by humanity, be it overhunting, habitat destruction, or pure negligence. Thus, we as humans must protect and save these animals so that future generations can appreciate the wonders of nature.

One awesome example of the protection of endangered species can be found in Hawaii, where a group called the Ocean Rider Seahorse Farm, dedicated to helping save endangered sea horses and a testament to the good humans can do since 1996. Their group currently has over 25 species of sea horse that are being bred and allows for tours to inspire and teach about ocean conservation, endangered species, and the actions they have taken to protect these species.

Why are sea horses endangered? For a variety of reasons, the natural habitat of these creatures has been destroyed by human intervention. One of the largest causes is industrial fishing equipment, where sea horses are inadvertently taken in as bycatch in the millions. Studies show that almost 36 million sea horses are killed as bycatch every year, and that number continues to rise with reckless abandon. Another huge cause of their endangerment is poaching. In East Asian countries, sea horses are viewed as a precious herbal medicine, commonly dried and ground to protect one’s health. This remains the largest market for sea horses and is a large driving factor in the fishing and endangerment of the species.

 I visited the Ocean Rider Seahorse Farm many years ago, and I still remember putting my hands into that tank and feeling the seahorse slowly touch my fingers in the water. I distinctly remember the multitude of sea horses in large tanks, where we could see the life cycle and stages of development of these creatures. It gave me a new appreciation for their beauty and the harrowing task of saving a species from near extinction. 

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